We have these types of living things:
a. Animals
b. Plants
c. Fungi
d. Protists (Algae and Protozoa)
e. Bacteria (Microorganisms)
- Feed on other living
- Can move. Most animals can move from one place to another.
- Can be viviparous (are born live) or oviparous (are born from eggs).
- Can be herbivores, carnivores or omnivores.
- Can be vertebrates or invertebrates.
- Have senses.
- Can move. Most animals can move from one place to another.
- Can be viviparous (are born live) or oviparous (are born from eggs).
- Can be herbivores, carnivores or omnivores.
- Can be vertebrates or invertebrates.
- Have senses.
- Produce their own food.
- Can move towards light or water.
- Plants are born from seeds or spores.
- Can move towards light or water.
- Plants are born from seeds or spores.
- Produce their own food but have different parts to plants.
- They are very small
- Feed on other living
- They can live in
different habitat
- Are very small organisms.
- We can only see them under a microscope.